Concealed Carry 101

Episode 4 – Concealed Carry 101


Welcome back to the Muddy River Tactical podcast. I am your host Kyle Mason. I do our CNC stuff for Muddy River Tactical. Joined today as always by Kevin my brother, the owner president, and our gun shop manager Brett. This week we’re gonna be talking about concealed carry 101. Very common question we get from a lot of listeners and a lot of people that come into the shop and a lot of people that call is, what’s the best pistol? What’s the best way to carry it? What do I need to know? We get a lot of first time gun owners that are interested in concealed carry and even people that grew up maybe not with pistols and just doing more of a hunting and fishing background. And they’d like to know what they’re looking for. This won’t be the all inclusive episode We’ll have a episodes later where we really break down these topics in-depth but for today we’re gonna talk about things like training, safety, gun selections and different types of holsters you can get for different carry positions. And then going to some other stuff later.


So let’s just start it off with what you like say on the end of all your videos What’s your famous last line on your videos? Keep practicing and always be prepared. Okay. And part of that is knowing your firearm and training with it. So I would preface everything we’re gonna say today by training is the most important thing you can do. Being familiar with your firearm, how it sits in your holster, how it feels when you carry it not only when you’re walking around but when you’re in your car. Just being familiar with that piece of equipment that you’re gonna be wearing on a daily basis goes a long way and then knowing how to handle it. How to handle it safely, how to holster it, unholster it and what to do with your firearm when you’re not using it.


As far as training do you guys have any good training exercises that you like to do or any practice? So I think on training, you know obviously if you’re new to concealed carry it’s the first thing you should think of as training. At some point you will need or should not necessarily need. You can train yourself. There’s videos out there but should go to an on-site trainer. They can watch what you’re doing, break apart what you’re doing, help you fix issues before they become bigger issues later. And how you get used to doing things. But there is a lot of dry fire things you can do at home. Mantis is one of them. There’s a whole bunch of different ones on the market. That literally you can do at home, dry fire practice that will give you repetition without having to spend a ton of money on ammo and things like that just to get you know on the Mantis system for example, they got different programs where it’s drawing from a holster, it times you. It just does different things where you get used to different sequences of concealed carry. Now is that like an app that people have downloaded their phone or tablet? Yeah so on this you buy it and then it downloads on your phone, and the sensors and everything go through your phone. So like your phone’s on a stand the one I have. So they have different ones but the one I have is like a like a training bullet that goes in there that casts the light through the barrel. There’s also some that have like attachments that go on the rail, which I’m not as big a fan of those because then the issue you run into is you have to have a holster to fit that laser on the bottom of your gun which is dumb. Then you have to buy one even if you can find one for it. Yeah By another holster which isn’t what you normally carry to practice drawing your pistol.


So if you go the dry fire route definitely get one where it’s a like a dummy round in the chamber where you can use your same holster and go that route. Okay. And that would be something you could practice anywhere. I mean that could be in your house like set up in your bedroom for in case you had a home intruder in the night or like in your vehicle you could practice getting out of your car drawing, you know drawing from within your vehicle. Really a lot of versatility in how you could use that training system. But like you mentioned though like classes are really important because like your form when you get in a really high situation, you’re going to fall back on your form and the techniques that you’ve learned by repetition. Just like we talked about shooting free throws or throwing a bowling ball or whatever it may be, go into a trainer who can see how you’re gripping your firearm. Like finger placement on the trigger. All those things become really important especially when you’re talking about accuracy in a high stress situation. Well and just put this out there too, we have a lot of videos out there but we’re not trainers either. So the info we’re giving you isn’t straight training either. We are in the same situation as you guys are of going to trainers, always learning. So don’t take what we say as all in absolute.


But that also goes for the trainer side. You can see different guys and go to a training class of a guy that does it one way to a guy that does it another way. It doesn’t mean it’s right or wrong but there’s different ways to do things. And really you should go to different trainers and get different opinions. And even if you’re just taking them as a refresher course, nobody listening to this knows everything that somebody else is gonna tell them or couldn’t learn something new or maybe get a little bit better. And nobody’s out of the range of making mistakes so go to the training part especially new people. But if you go to dry firing and practice dry firing, it sounds like a simple thing but make sure your ammo is not in the same room because in a lot of this stuff you’re switching mags it practices switching mags which you absolutely should. Make sure you’re not in that situation. Don’t be doing it in your gun room with everything laying around and accidentally put a loaded mag into your gun. And it happens. I’ve seen it on YouTube a lot of times. There’s a really famous one the instructor of the gun range. I think he had that revolver initially. Don’t put your finger here and you shot it. No It is. You try to play it up. Oh yeah. Yeah That was terrible.


So then that kind of leads into the safety aspect especially if you’re a new gun owner or haven’t grown up around guns, gun safety is huge. You know the ten commandments of firearms is number one treat every gun like it’s loaded. Believes number one on every list. Number two don’t point it at anything you don’t wanna kill so on and so forth. It’s that safety aspect and if you’re gonna have a gun, you know you should probably also, we’ll get into more of this later, but you know have a safe, have something to keep it in while you’re not around. You know you could have somebody break into your house. I mean you could have kids, you could have anything happen where somebody could get access to your gun So having a good safe and like ways to secure them is pretty important too. For sure. I would also remember that the only real safety is between your ears. I mean you can have a safety on your gun. You can have it in a lockbox. That’s still gonna be a dangerous weapon no matter what. So you have to use your brain and point it in the right direction muzzle you know. Make sure your muzzle’s in the right direction at all times.


Like Kevin said make sure you don’t practice with your ammo right next to you. There’s just a lot of things that you have to think about. Absolutely and on those firearms you know keeping it safe, keeping them clean is really important too. So after you shoot them you should know how to disassemble your weapon. You should have a decent cleaning kit for it not only for the life of the pistol but for the functionality of it. Well and also when you get these pistols, when they come what is what is it technically. It’s not packing grease. What is technically in those pistols? It just depends on if they’re shipped from across seas. If they’re shipped across seas they have a lot more grease. And a lot more oils built onto them because they’re in the shipping container on the ocean. I mean for months at a time. So you get you know one made from Turkey you’re gonna have to clean it. You’re going to wipe it down just so you can handle it first off. And the insides like Glock will use their own special grease on their slides. It’s more grease than the oil that you would normally see in a gun. Yeah The more oil you have on a gun the worst it’s gonna get eventually because every time you shoot a handgun or a long gun, there’s always unspent powder. There’s unburnt powder. And that unburnt powder goes inside your gun sticks to grease sticks to oil, it just creates a problem.


So you want to make sure to take it break it down, clean it and put it back together and then as you’re breaking it down and cleaning, it you’re learning your weapon first and foremost that’s the best thing. And as far as like the grease and lubrication like a little’s good a lot is not better though because it’s just a magnet to attract that dirt and powder and everything in the environment. Yeah I use a kind of a wipe it with my fingers method. I use a really thin layer of grease on there. Almost where you can’t see it but it is there. That’s kind of what I do. Okay.


So we talked about it briefly but like securing your firearm while you’re away there’s a lot of safes that people can get that mount to your nightstand. Like a lot of people want a gun right by their bed while they’re sleeping. They’ve got some that are biometrics some that have different combinations you put in do you guys have any recommendations on safes that you guys like that are maybe compact. Maybe not the big eighteen gun safe to hold all your rifles but something like for concealed carry weapons. For me personally I like the, I won’t get into different brands. There’s a bunch of them but like the hidden cabinet ones like I got them in multiple rooms of the house that people would never know that’s what it is. So it’s always there. Like if I go home and I’m playing with the kids I’m not gonna have a gun on ninety percent of the time at the house you know? So then they’re around where you can get to them but the other cool thing about them is they all have like the magnet locks or whatever on them. So they are still locked but you can put it in there with your holster and everything and just set it in there and it’s still secure from the kids. I have small kids. I know Brett has small kids, you have small kids. It keeps it away from who you don’t want it but it keeps it in different areas of our house which is a longer house. If I’m at one end of the house you don’t want a gun all the way at the other end if you ever had to. Right. So it gives you some options on what you can do with it.


There is also the fingerprint safes and different things like that. The one thing I always worried about those and maybe it’s because I’ve had the cheaper ones because I’ve been cheap and bought them but they would work with your fingerprints sometimes. Then sometimes you go to them and that just worries the hell out of me as far as if you ever needed it for a home intrusion situation type of thing. I feel more confident with it the other way Yeah. I have the sard interrupting I have the fingerprint, not the fingerprint type but you use like four fingers and you just use a pattern instead of using numbers whether it’s an easy number like your birth date or whatever that you’ll never forget or that can be guessed by your family member because they know your birth date or they know your kid’s birth date. I use just a a finger pattern is what I like to use at home. Also a metal gun cabinet that you can hook a cable to or something like that so it doesn’t walk away. And I’ve seen some of them that are portable too. Well portable like portable safe. Oh you bought me the portable safe so the thief can see it out there. They’ve got the ones that you can lock into your truck. So you could take it with you and chain it like if you’re gonna go into a sporting event or a government building or somewhere where you couldn’t take it with you. They’ve got some options like that as well that you could really stay in budget and get some that may work for multiple places. A hundred percent.


And that’s where those like the picture ones like I’m talking about are cool because not necessarily that nobody would ever figure it out but the chances of somebody going through your house quickly and checking every picture. I mean the ones I have don’t look any different than the other pictures on the wall. Yeah So it just it’s hidden but not where somebody’s gonna try to get it even if they wanted it. Okay.


Now let’s get into gun selection a little bit and I know we’ve breezed upon this before and again this won’t be all encompassing but as a new gun owner,  what’s the number one thing you would tell people? Brett like they’re coming in, they’ve never had a gun, what are they looking for in therer? Well the first few questions, I’ll just go through them real quick. First question is what is the intent of the gun? Are you gonna carry it? Or are you gonna keep it in your nightstand at home in a in a safe or whatever that may be? The reason I ask that is because if you’re gonna leave it at home, you’d want a fifteen, seventeen around capacity on a handgun because let’s be honest in a stressful situation, you’re gonna miss. It’s everybody who is gonna miss no matter how much you practice. While enforcement myths all the time, it’s just an unfortunate circumstance. The other thing is if you’re gonna carry it, they’re starting to get packages now that you know just fifteen rounds, seventeen round in a carry size gun. But it’s not maybe as accurate or as fun to shoot.


So if you they’re just different circumstances you want to look for. So that’s one of the first questions I ask. Okay. And part of that too is also the extra round count adds a little bit more weight which is a little heavier on your belt and takes a little bit to get used to. And it you know kind of flip side of that If you are gonna have a firearm with a limited magazine capacity then you might look at getting a mag carrier or two premise. It also depends on if you’re gonna do a revolver or semi auto. If you can pull the semi auto back, you know the strength goes into it, ergonomics goes into it. There are a few factors and then training going right back to that safety side of it training. If you’ve ever shot a handgun, if not you know all that does play. So if you want a safety or no safety. Yeah There’s a lot of questions.


Well then you get into the whole debate and that’s probably not for today but you know, do you carry one in the chamber or not? You know revolvers there’s always one there but some people carry you know with that one in a random chamber. I’m still uncertain on that one myself sometimes but I know I need to. Yeah And I will say one second does matter. Personally, like I don’t wanna say I’m bad about it but I prefer not to have one in the chamber ninety percent of the time because you’re probably not gonna need it Now when I worked armed security I always had one in the chamber because it was just a different type of situation. And it may be different but I would say whatever you’re gonna do, get used to it. That way you don’t just assume there’s one in the chamber and if you need it you’re gonna see.


How do you carry Kevin? With one in this chamber I think you’re always gonna be better. In all honesty it’s just what you get used to. No different than safeties or no safeties on a gun. There’s people that come in and are adamant they want a safety on the gun which is perfectly fine. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing but you have to train that way. If you’re used to carrying a gun with no safety, no matter how much you train and then you’re carrying a gun with a safety on it the chance of you remembering that safety when you need it is slim to none. Mhmm. But just like you know you for instance Kyle you’ve been in armed security in the past but now up until you came here, you’re kinda out of it for a while. So your comfort zone from where you were when you carried a gun all the time is different than what it is now. Which is why you’re on the ninety percent not caring in the chamber side. Which is a hundred percent okay because if you go online and it’s me too, I’m gonna tell you to carry one in the chamber but there’s guys that are like that’s the absolute, that’s what you have to do. Well there’s nothing that’s absolute that you have to do it. The key is get enough training and comfortable with it where it’s comfortable for you. And after enough training you will get to that point which is where you need to be. No I would totally agree with that.


And, yeah just from the safety aspect like you said, making sure you know what it feels like. If it does have a safety how to turn it on and off and you know and not all safeties are the same. They all feel different or different you know Some are bigger levers and others and different spots maybe even Or Yep I mean there’s all different things that go into that that it’s and that’s what we talked about. the other day is not every gun’s the same So what you practice with the most should be what you carry. Which is hard sometimes because then the smaller guns aren’t as fun to shoot but if that’s what you’re going to carry, be familiar with that gun not the gun that you’re practicing at the ranks. Exactly why I asked that first question every time. What is your intentions? Because if you’re gonna carry it then that’s what you need to buy and that’s what you need to practice with. That’s what you need to shoot. If you’re just gonna put it in your nightstand, it’s just two different animals. It just really is. And there’s enough guns on the market now that can fit both of them but there’s definitely a separation in there. The ones that fit both of them are kind of the fine line between the two I feel and those mid sized pistols you know even the x sig x macro you know it holds fifteen, seventeen rounds whatever. It can be used for both It’s still a carry pistol. It’s small enough to carry but what people consider small enough to carry changes by individual and by individual.


So on the gun shop side the only thing I’d add to what Brett said is there’s definitely the difference between the two but get one if you’re on the concealed side of that, get one that fits your hand good enough that you are going to practice with it because if you’re not comfortable you’re not gonna pick it up to protect yourself. Yeah and I can almost promise you and this sounds terrible because it’s not a bad gun but like the LCPs and stuff they are hard to shoot, somebody that’s a good shooter, they are hard to shoot. Well and you get people like mom for example who’s you know, I’m not saying mom’s old because she’ll kill me, but you know, people that may have arthritis, grip problems to rack one in the chamber with a slide is hard for a lot of people and that’s where a revolver may be a lot better option somebody like that.


Well people come in and they try it and it’s more of the time it’s guys that bring their wife in and hand them a gun and here see if you could work it and she’s struggling to do it. Finally does he goes oh yeah she could work it and I’m like well she can barely work it right now with just the pressure of you looking at her. If she really needs it she can’t work it. Right. And the more you shoot them the looser the slide gets and the easier they are to operate. And there’s also you know just methods where overhand racking the slide versus everybody wants to try and pinch it with their thumb and their index finger and pull back. Well that’s a position of weakness. If you grab it from the top and slide the whole thing you’ve got the inside and all four inside of your palm and all four fingers racking it back instead of just trying to pinch the back.


That comes back to the very first topic of training. That’s exactly what training does for you helps you with your leverage of that firearm, you know because that’s what you’re using is you’re using leverage to rack that slide and if you’re not trained you don’t know how to do it then you’re gonna try. I was never that way before but the more I’ve shot over the last I mean really the last year and a half more than any, I started using the front serrations all the time, mainly because of the optic, I shoot a lot of optics. You know yes you could rack your gun off the optic if you want to. It’s not what I wanna do. Come on it’s tactical. Yeah I can knocking off my boot or whatever but yeah your belt. Yeah If you had to but the front serrations on a lot of these guns are what I kinda rely on. So that’s what I do. So if I went to a gun that didn’t have serrations it wouldn’t work well for me. We joke about that wrecking off the butt if you got shot in your left arm or your right arm you’re gonna have to know how to be able to rack that slide if you need a protector. And that’s something you should probably train on too. Not many people ever train offhand. If I had to guess and if you know the people at home are being honest the vast majority of people never shoot week end. It’s uncomfortable. You know you just don’t you don’t wanna do it because it’s uncomfortable. And the other thing too because all the pistols I have bought, none of my optic cut so out of all the pistols I’ve ever shot in a more optic cut and I start looking just like in your office the other day down the deal and it’s like trying to find the angle that you’re holding saying and I’m trying to duck my head into it and he’s like no you gotta keep your head up and bring the gun up to it. And so for me this never shot one with an optic, that’s gonna be a learning curve just to get familiar where you bring it up and you’re on target.


Going from optic to no optic is a big learning curve for sure And even now, I’m so used to the guns I carry have optics on them. I’m used to optics. If I go back to a gun that doesn’t have an optic, I’m gonna have to do the same amount of training again to get back used to it. The target acquisition between an optic and iron sights is different. Yeah now and and again I’m not a trainer I can just speak just briefly to the little bit of well, the training we had doing security the Kansas SWAT team commander said he teaches everybody at first. You do cowboys and Indians So when you draw your pistol, your index finger is going down the side of the slide and if you just do cowboys and Indians and as you’re drawing point with your finger and then drop it onto the trigger, you’re gonna be pretty close to center body mass. Just naturally. Yeah you’re gonna be right there from a from a concealed carry you know self defense… tatistics say everything’s within seven yardsgGenerally which is close. You can hit somebody’s torso with that method without it out.


So we kind of talked about the different firearms and…which leads into different carry styles and what holster is gonna be best for you That’s another, you know we kinda brushed on what’s the best holster. Well the one you’re gonna wear and the one that’s comfortable and the one that fits you the best. Our holster’s are the best holster. Agreed. One from Muddy River Tactical is the best. Well the cool thing about us though is we offer everything. So that’s why I say it all the time when people think I’m joking. It’s like well we got what no matter which situation you’re in we got something for you compared to where a lot of these companies only have Kydex holsters. They don’t have leather or only have whatever hybrid holsters of they’re gonna convince you that that’s the best thing. Well none of them are the best thing for anybody so with us offering multiple different things, it allows people to have options without us being biased on what we tell them.


So and that kind of leads into like we were talking about most people they start off with a leather holster. Before I started here I’d had leather holsters and they were thick and hard and like they just really weren’t that great I don’t feel like. Our Buffalo hide leather holsters, they’re soft, they’re incredible. I mean they fit snug to the gun. And that’s how a lot of people start off when they’re first going concealed. Yeah so if somebody emails me, most of the people that email are people brand new to concealed carry which I’ll help anybody. Like I said I’m not a trainer but we’ve done this enough and I’ve talked to enough people over the years, I’ve figured out a lot of things. It’s no different than I always use the wristwatch as an example. If you do not wear a watch and then try to wear a watch one day, it’s gonna be weird for the first week. You’re always gonna be jacking with it. Holsters are the same thing no matter what. It don’t matter how small a gun whether you get the smallest LCP you can get or the m&p five seven the biggest thing you can get. It’s a foreign object that you’re putting inside your waistband no matter what. When you put it there it’s gonna feel weird for a week or two. You know it takes time to get used to it. And there is gonna be a guy or gal that just can’t get used to it as well. So and that is okay I mean there’s that’s why there’s so many options.


Yeah and it’s not for everybody, but generally speaking, the leather what I tell people is we make our leather holsters as a budget what I would consider entry level holster. They are designed for everyday concealed carry comfort. With that there’s arguments on all sides of things. Which I agree with some of them and then kind of don’t on some of them but the guys you know kydex stays open easier to re holster, more retention different things like that. I get it But in a real world self defense situations, I don’t care how much training you have. If you have to truly use that gun to defend yourself, the last thing on earth you are worried about is re holstering that gun. I mean you can make the argument all you want but statistics don’t lie. You got all day? Yes. When the cops show up you could get all the cops that show up to shootings nine out of ten times they have to tell that person to put their gun down on the ground or they put it down on the ground when the cops show up. They’re not gonna let you re holster that gun and put it back on your side while they’re trying to figure out what’s going on. So the thing that you’re gonna be like a movie guy and go use your pistol to defend yourself,  put it back in the holster and just be walking around like nothing happened when the cops showed up. It’s just statistically not gonna happen.


So that debate on the leather holsters for me kinda goes out the window. Where it does matter though is the training part of it. So if you only have a leather holster and then you’re going to the range to train, to draw from your holster which you should it don’t matter which holster you got it makes that harder because it’s a little harder to re holster. It gonna make your training different but I don’t think it makes your every little bit of everyday life. It does if you go into a bank where you can’t carry your gun taking it on and off that type of scenario is something to be mindful about. Yeah I don’t think it’s a make or break but it might be. Yeah the comfort is really what matters and there’s people that a carry gun forever and practice with them and only carry it because of the comfort. But if you’re looking at just a straight aspect of what’s the easiest thing to start with and give yourself the most success of getting used to it so that you can progress the leather is gonna get you over that hurdle faster.


So that like we talked about so that you’re more comfortable carrying one in the chamber so that you’re more comfortable doing things until you get to a Kydex whole So do a lot of people like when they start carrying like people have pants that fit them the way they are. Do people have to get larger pants sometimes fit? Just depends on the gun or sometimes it just depends on what kind of pants you wear. I mean if you wear skinny jeans or something yeah you’re gonna have to but for most people, the guns now works are so small in the big picture like even the bigger guns are a inch thick you know like the macro, it’s only an inch. Most people have that much room already. It can make a difference but not as much as the old days of it being an inch and a half wide as. Well and I can tell you from even our models and our models for our holsters are slightly wider than the gun for reasons you know for fitment and stuff. But even like my widest model is like not even inch and a half I mean it’s pretty narrow you know when you really think about the big picture of trying to fit something in there. And when you’re talking about inside the waistband holster which is what I always would for the concealed carry market that’s what I would always suggest. Yes you can wear an outside holster and conceal it. Certain times of year wearing sweatshirt, coats stuff like that. Other than that it’s super hard. You know if you’re in shorts and a t shirt it’s hard to pull off an outside holster and be really concealed all the time.



And you know then it goes into open carry which I’m not a fan of at all. People do it and I guess it depends on what area you’re in because there’s areas of the country that everybody open carries it’s kinda normal. Those places it wouldn’t matter but most of the country’s not that way. So I feel by open carrying you make yourself a target before anything ever happens that’s exactly what I was gonna say. Yeah you’re drawing attention to yourself unnecessarily and you know if you are in a store and a shooter comes in who do you think the first guy he’s gonna go for is the guy with the forty five strapped on his hip that’s clear. Well the other thing is if you look at the news the media the everything that goes on now. There’s two sides to everything. There’s always gonna be the people that don’t like it whatever. Us as gun owners don’t need to draw unnecessary attention to something for no reason in my opinion, if that makes sense. Like why? You’re putting yourself in a tactical disadvantage already so you’re not helping yourself as a concealed carry owner. Why would you draw attention of even other people because then they’re looking at you if maybe they’re not gun people then they’re looking at you which brings more attention to it. The whole point of concealed carry is not to bring attention to it. Yeah.


What belt you have is that gonna make a difference on your comfort and concealed carry and the stability of the platform. Greatly. It’s one of the most overlooked things. I would love to tell you the holster is an end all be all because we’re a holster company but it’s not. It’s your whole setup goes into that. Belt is one of the main ones though because there’s people and I always refer to them as Walmart belts. That’s not a slap at Walmart that’s just where most people buy their belt the eight, ten dollar belt. And if you grab that belt it’s so flimsy. It’s just falling over on itself. It can’t support itself. How do you think it’s gonna support barely your pants. But then the weight of a weapon because even if you get the smallest gun out there like what Sig three sixty five. Just say a sig three sixty five, eighteen, nineteen ounces, by the time it’s loaded you’re at twenty four, twenty five ounce gun. That’s two pounds well roughly pound and a half. Yeah I mean you’re adding that much weight to it. So it not only supports it but it makes it more comfortable. Because you can adjust that where it’s not sagging on your pants or not being like getting used to a holster like we talked about. If it’s sitting there you can tell it’s pulling your pants down in that one spot. You’re gonna be always grabbing at it always doing something which goes back to the drawing attention to yourself that you don’t need.


That’s the thing I like about our Kore belts that we sell now. I’ve got one on and I love it because they have such micro adjustments. You know your typical belt got what an inch and a half in between belt loops. Like they’re pretty far apart. And these have individual like ratchet clicks on there. Yeah it’s quarter inch increments on there. And you wouldn’t think that would make a huge difference but it really does because if your belt’s too tight it makes it uncomfortable. If it’s too loose it’s not supporting it. So at quarter inch increments, you can get it to where it’s not only comfortable but supporting at the same time. And if you’re like most of us, your weight goes back and forth. So one day, you may be at this hole and then the next day here at that hole. You can eat buffet and you might need to put it at two or three. Yeah exactly. It lets you do it. But the other thing about the Kore belts for us, is belts and sizing is always hard and  different in pants. Like I got different pants at the house or just say a thirty six and then some are a thirty eight or whatever and they fit the same. Well belts ain’t no different. So if somebody comes and goes I wear thirty six pants but if they’re technically what another thirty eight would be in another brand well which one’s right? So we would send so many belts out our old belts that we used to make exchanges and barely not right, too much tag length. With the Kore belt, you cut it to where you want it so you can control not only the size but how much of the tag end of the belts there. And all different things And when you say cut it I think people might get scared initially You still got a good what four or five inches of plate Like there’s a ton of Well this is ten or twelve inches It’s a ton of play on the end of this I think it’s like ten inches of micro adjustment. So it’s a ton. Yeah Then that’s when I got mine, I’m I was kinda just like man I’m nervous and I was like oh I can gain a bunch of weight or lose a bunch of weight in a kind of shoot for the middle and you’re gonna be set. Well and the other part is they think oh I might have to cut it. They think that they’re cutting a fine edge. The way that happens you could rough cut it. A zigzag with scissors, the way their bubble goes over it hides your cut. So I mean literally you can take a pair of scissors and cut it. It’s not like it’s a you’re making a custom edge on it because people are like well I can’t cut good enough to make a good edge. It’s all being hid under there. It’s not a problem at all. Yeah I cut mine I think it was with a pair of not great scissors at the house and it looks perfect. Like it came anyway what two minutes. By the time you cut it and get the buckle on it’s two minutes. Yeah I mean it’s a super simple process.


Alright. The other thing too and when people are ordering their holsters there’s a wide variety of different belt clips that make a difference too. So some of them are the standard clip. Some of them are a tuckable clip. It’s kinda like a strip of plastic that comes up and over. We’ve got metal ulti clip that’ll clip on to more fabric. So like yoga pants, joggers, sweat pants that type of stuff. Mhmm. So the tuckable clips like what is the reason for the tuckable clips? So the tuckable clips will fit belts up to one point seven five inches but the main thing about it them they are for people that want to tuck in their shirt to conceal their gun and I will stop right here and say before people think, most people cannot do that. I’m just gonna be honest with you. There’s not a ton of body types that allow that. So me personally I can’t pull it off. It could seal a gun by tucking in my shirt I just can’t do it. So I’ll just put that out there because people think of oh well that’s a good option. Well that’s only a good option for certain people that could pull that off. If you can tuck in your shirt without a gun and think you have enough room then maybe but most people that’s not a possibility. Now that’s gotta affect drawing the firearm as well. So the gun’s completely concealed. So if they’re gonna draw it out and pull up their shirt first then, yeah. And it’s kind of the same process. It just goes and this goes back to the training thing on what you’re used to.


So going to the range and training, just say you got it outside the waist holster that you’re using at the range. Make sure your practice if you’re carrying with an inside holster, make sure you practice drawing with that in clothes that you would normally wear day to day, whether it be a hoodie or whatever. How you grab and pull up on your whatever garment you got can make a difference. So on these concealed holsters, where are most people wearing them? I know you hear all these different positions. Like what is the most common and where most people start? I’d say four or five o’clock if you’re a right handed or whatever it would be on the left handed. So for the people at home that may have no idea what you’re talking about four o’clock is that behind right. Right behind your hip. Right behind your strong side hip Yes. And that’s the most common because when you bend over, it’s not in the way. You know if you have to carry anywhere in the front when you bend over you’re bending into your gun or your whole stress and contour with your body. So it’s pressure against your body. It’s just more comfortable for most people to get used to there. And your body’s kind of almost got a negative space in that area anyway. So it kinda helps keep the grip of the firearm from imprinting on your shirt as much because it’s kinda tucked closer into your body.


Yeah so at just say four or five o’clock behind your strong hip, the best way to do it is just like all of our holsters have the adjustable cant so you can put the adjustable cant up to fifteen degrees which pulls that grip upwards, which also makes it easier to conceal, but also it makes it a more natural draw cycle. If you try to reach behind your hip and draw straight up it’s not a natural movement where if it’s angled at fifteen degrees, you got a natural draw that way. Okay. Now that that honestly does make a lot of sense and there’s also a big trend that you know we’re getting ready to work on you know, little peek under the covers getting some appendix holsters out one of these days. For sure. People do they naturally kinda progress to appendix or is it a select body type that does add or is a little bit of everybody? It’s a little bit of everybody. It can’t work for everybody. It’s just depends on a lot of factors. The main one that I see being an issue for more people than what their body shape is their pant ride height. You know there’s certain people that if you notice their pants ride lower. If they’re pants ride lower and it’s like below your belly button, by much. If you’re overweight at all you got what would you call it a tactical spare tire or whatever you wanna do. It’s pushing the gun out. So if your pants are low at the top of your guns right on that. So generally speaking even people that are totally in shape or appendix carry, when you appendix carry the higher your pants are the more comfortable it is because it gets it out of your bend point of your legs and everything else. And when you bend over it makes it bend with the torso of your body instead of at your hip joint where it and that’s negative attention to the taco. Yeah Okay.


So and I’ve never carried appendix and I like four or five o’clock myself because getting in and out of the truck. It’s not in the way of my seat belt I can lean back comfortably and my fat gut doesn’t lean over it sitting in the truck.  Is that something you can get used to riding around or is it still pretty hard? You could get used to it but you gotta be committed I guess is the best way to put it. There’s people that are way more committed to concealed carry than some people. I think a lot of that’s the people that carry like glock seventeen’s and big guns because that’s what they train with. They are gonna shoot it way better. That’s what they wanna carry but more power to them. That’s great.


But they’re more dedicated to get used to it whereas somebody that’s just a not necessarily training with it is gonna give it about a week and be like oh that’s not comfortable. You know they won’t try hard enough to make it work. If that makes sense. Yeah Oh absolutely. But overall like if you’re talking about getting in the truck and stuff, a lot of people that truly train a lot go to appendix carry and it’s for a variety of reasons but you can imagine like say sitting in your truck. If you have your seat belt on and you’re at four o’clock and somebody’s at your window how easy is it to get your gun? I hold on I’m trying to lean forward and it’s not it’s not easy at all. Appendix carry, it is I don’t care standing, sitting, it is always there and it’s gonna be by far the quickest draw that you can get. Not only the quickest but your body movements or a lot less. If it’s appendix you’re just moving your right arm or left arm whatever hand you are, and you’re just moving that hand down grabbing it moving your shirt and pulling it up if you need it. If it’s on your back hip you gotta move your whole shoulder, arm, elbow everything behind you. And the person that you’re trying not to show that you’re getting ready to grab your gun, they’re gonna see it. You know there’s just a lot of keys to appendix but it takes, you know dedication like Kevin said. You gotta be committed to that one. Mhmm But the other thing is at appendix, your your pistol is more protected all the time. If you figure at four o’clock and you go to bend over to grab something in the store or whatever, I mean it’s it’s not even if it’s not visible, it’s easily grabable. Whereas no matter what if a threat or anything you know not every confrontation is a gunfight. You gotta think about that too. So if you’re on the ground or something, getting your pistol from four o’clock’s harder just from a tactical advantage point you got a lot of benefits from appendix carry.


And we had kinda start going down the road about talking about being in your vehicle. And Brett I’m gonna let you talk a little bit on this. You deal with a lot of law enforcement that comes through and I’m kinda putting you on the spot here. So, when I was trained by the guy that trained me on concealed carry he’s like look, you’re gonna get pulled over one of these days. You’re gonna have your pistol. The guy recommended to us that you roll down the window and when he comes up you say, officer just so you know I’ve got a concealed weapon just so we’re all on the same page. He recommend having your hands on the wheel when he comes up and just tell the guy. And what he said is most cops will tell you if you don’t show me yours, I’m not gonna show you mine. And then you proceed with your interaction. From the dealings you’ve had with law enforcement, do you know what their thoughts are on pulling over people that are concealed? It’s fifty fifty. I’ll start with what my feelings are on the situation. I don’t tell them and it’s not because I’m trying to hide anything. The last thing I want to do is make them nervous, they’re already nervous. Every traffic stop is a risk to them that are putting their life at risk. Why would I tell them I have a gun on me right away? I mean that’s the very first thing I’m gonna do is tell them I have a gun on me so they’re alert. They’re already more alert. Now that they know that I have a gun possibly that I could reach for it any time. So in their mind, they’re not just stopping me for my speed or what blinker out or anything. Now they’re watching every movement. So if I go to reach to grab my insurance card that they tell me to grab, what if it’s a nervous cop that just started And he pulls his gun out and shoots me because I told him right away that I had a gun on me. I know that’s a what if scenario.


You’ve got two ways. If it’s a seasoned officer, they’re probably read the people that you know what I mean. If you tell them you got a gun, they’re gonna ask you to put your hands on the steering wheel this and that. Don’t reach, exactly what you said. Don’t show me, I won’t show you mine scenario. But we’re living a different world. I mean I can’t, I don’t know how long ago it was you went through that training. Oh it’s been fifteen years ago. I would venture to say that that’s not what they say anymore. I would venture to say now it’s you just go through the traffic stop like you should you know just do what they tell you to do and move forward. And the other thing too is like you said it was a different world that was when we talked about concealed carry was just starting to get really popular. I don’t know if you think fifteen years ago that was before concealed carry was a huge thing. Yeah so back then, somebody having a gun was not normal. Nowadays to like what Brett said, you having a gun is a hundred percent legal and you haven’t done anything wrong. You know what I mean. It’s also a new law concealed carry state now Missouri is same with Kansas. They prefer you to have your gun hidden in your vehicle and they don’t want it out in the open for you to be for it to be seen. How you do that It’s up to you obviously, but it’s just a different world. You know I would say what would matter most would be how you react. If you’re carrying a gun you’re not doing anything wrong and you have the right head on you which you should if you’re carrying a gun Mhmm And just act normal, nothing’s ever a problem. You know what I mean. But if you have a gun they know you have a gun and then you’re I don’t know how else to say it but being an asshole and not letting them do their job, it makes you look like one of those people that they have to deal with every day and doesn’t shed you in a good light. You know don’t don’t be the argumentative guy and everything else. Oh for sure.


You know there’s a way to act and unfortunately what you see a lot of times and where people get a bad name, like if you look at all the different videos all over the internet, it’s the guy recording stuff for no reason. Absolutely no reason. He’s stirring the pot, I know my rights. Trying to get a reaction, well don’t be that guy and you won’t be in that situation first of all. There’s no reason to be that guy. But definitely don’t be that guy with a gun. Like you know I mean if that’s your reaction carrying a gun should be a responsibility and should be the last resort of everything. But if you’re that confrontational about somebody trying to do their job, if you get in an argument with somebody or you’re gonna shoot them I mean no you shouldn’t. You know so why are you and don’t get don’t get us wrong, we believe in our rights. Yes We believe that the cops on the other hand should not be trying to push our rights away from us either. So we’re not getting into that debate right now. And so those videos or both ways but I agree with you. No No. They’re going out there to push the issue to get you yeah. Most of them are the clickbait getting views online that are going and doing stupid stuff intentionally to get a reaction out of somebody. It’s like don’t be that guy.


Another thing that’s really important is when you’re concealed carry you can’t be drinking alcohol.  To the best of my knowledge, if you’re concealed carrying a pistol you can’t have any alcohol on board is at least what they told us going through our training. Do you know if that’s still the case or me personally I don’t know legal wise legal advice I don’t know if that’s the case. We’re not lawyers here. There’s nothing out there but me personally if I’m if I’m drinking I ain’t taking my gun. It just puts you in a bad situation because no matter what I mean if you look just talking about police, Yes there’s a bad apple and everything I’m not saying every police videos right or whatever, but there’s police officers that go on trial for perfectly legal shootings Mhmm. With a body cam, how do you think you are gonna be? So whether or not, right, wrong or indifferent. If you got alcohol on board and then do God forbid have to use that pistol, you do not look in a good light already by the time you go to that jury. Yeah And you know again I’m not lawyer I would urge you guys to look up US concealed carry association they’ve got all sorts of really good information on there. That varies by state. Definitely check out your state stuff too because that’s all different. I mean you go state Illinois and it’s completely different than us.


 Well I wanted to add earlier because you were asking questions about open carry. The same goes for open carry in Missouri. Just because it’s legal in the state does not mean every county it’s legal or every city it’s legal. They have their own right to make those laws So if you’re gonna open carry concealed carry, check your laws everywhere you’re going because they’re all different. So and talking about that and you know if you do have to use it also, just remember that just because you might get off on something on a criminal charge, the victim’s family can still sue you. There’s civil. You could be a hundred percent justified and people get taken to court for it all the time. So again we’re not lawyers, I don’t really wanna go too far into that because it’s gonna vary state by state you know, what the advice is gonna be but really take that part and get trained on that as well as your firearm.


Well because a lot of the training too not only I mean using your weapon proficiently is a big part of it but it’s also when you can use that weapon. Depending on state depending on situation. Like I said not everything is a concealed carry issue. I mean you can’t pardon my expression but take a gun to a fist fight you know what I mean. Yeah No that’s not how that works. You’ve got castle doctrine in Missouri. You’ve got there’s a lot of walls that frankly I don’t I’m not smart enough to even read them and comprehend some of them. So you have to go and there’s that part of it too. So talk to lawyers, talk to companies, there’s companies out there that specifically deal in this. And at the end of the day, you’re gonna have to live with whatever happens for the rest of your life whether you’re free, whether you’re in jail. And my deal that I tell people a lot is like look I come home and you’re carrying my TV out of my house, I’m probably not gonna kill you over my TV. Yeah If I come home and you’ve got my kids at knife point then you know it’s gonna be situation so kind of being prepared for everything. Thinking about it before it happens is pretty important too


Well one of the training things I went to the guy made a really good point about the responsibility of concealed carry and how big of issue it really is. And you know there’s all different people in the world and I’m not saying right wrong or in different confrontational, this that. You have to realize how big a responsibility you have by choosing to carry which is a good thing but take it as a responsibility and don’t be that confrontational guy. Know what situations to be in or get yourself out of. You know there it’s not always a stay in there and debate with somebody because there’s a lot of craziness in the world now that can escalate quickly over something dumb. You know make it for the right purposes and don’t be putting yourself in those situations to have to make a hard decision. For sure. And going back to the legal advice I’d tell you there’s this isn’t legal advice but I know there’s all sorts of companies that offer SDLLI self defense liability insurance that will help you out with things like representation.


If you do have to use your firearm I’d urge people looking into that. It may be right for you, it may not be I don’t know what the cost is but it’s definitely something when you’re looking at the whole picture of concealed carry that may be an important factor to think about. Even if you don’t or just thinking about it, it’s good to know. They got a lot of resources on how stuff really works. You know things like that we always talked about not to get too deep into it but you’re not gonna use your pistol in self defense and not get questioned over it. You’re gonna get questioned but how you react how you choose to react different things like that. That’d be a great episode if we can get in contact with them one of these days. Get them on and you know get somebody you may not be state specific but give more of a focused you know overview of what they because to be honest with you it changes so much with the laws always changing a different states coming on board with the different carry stuff. Just to know what they really truly do cover. Not saying it’s a good thing or a bad thing but definitely look into it. It’s for no more than it cost It could save you down the road. So we’re at the point now where we’ve talked to people about picking a firearm, picking a holster for it being secure kind of different ways to carry it.


To kind of to wrap it up. The main thing if you get anything out of this is train train train and then train some more. How often do would you recommend somebody going to the range once a month or? It’s hard for me because I have the opportunity to do it frequently. You know, I got the range at our house so I can do it more than the average person. But I think it’s a good combination of as much as you possibly can and afford. But if you can’t afford to go to the range and use live rounds all the time, you can get the Mantis or whatever different system for a hundred, two hundred dollars that can provide you dry firing, which is at the end of the day the fundamentals of everything. Well and it would seem to me and I don’t wanna tell anybody what to do or what not to do with their kids. My boys are nine and ten and they shoot twenty two pistols right now. They’re getting used to them. So I’m not telling anybody to what to do with their kids. But that Mantis system the kids could even use. You use that in a controlled environment the laser system or somebody that’s new to shooting, you know where they can practice operating the weapon taking it off safety, aiming it all without the fear of the recoil until they get used to it also In a lot of these trainings and even the police departments are using a lot of virtual stuff, that uses the same technology because it’s constant training in different scenarios. So it’s an all around good start and another’s place is coming up in hell maybe we might get one day but have some sort of simulators in there with different training If you can get into a simulator. They’ve got all sorts of shoot, don’t shoot scenarios that’ll come up all sorts. And those are the best because I’ve seen, I haven’t done very many of them I wish I could do more of them, but it gives you things that you don’t think about you know that you can do in a controlled environment to make your brain think about different things because at the end of the day it’s a stressful situation by being as most prepared as possible by seeing that it puts you in a more prepared situation if you ever see that later.


Well and if you watch you know navy seals or anybody that shoots pistols tactically., the last thing they do after they engage the target and you know, finish their engagement is they look both ways to make sure there’s not another threat or somebody behind them. Mhmm Which is something really important to think about. Yeah and concealed carry in general, I find when I’m carrying a pistol which is most of the time, you should be even more aware of your surroundings no different events different things. Be aware of your surroundings so you’re not put in a bad situation. All the way down to when they’re shooting with optics or no no optics, iron sights they’re using both eyes open. And most people don’t know that and so they can see all the time. I mean you got peripherals that if you have one eye closed you just cut off that whole side of your body and you don’t know what’s going on. So and that’s hard to get used to. That’s where the training comes in because you won’t see any new shooter that just does that without training Yeah. I mean that I’ve seen anyways.


Alright. Well we had a viewer question of the week It was from Vincent this week and we kinda got to his question pretty early on in the episode so we’ll make sure to reach out to Vincent get him a hat or shirt. But Vincent was asking what are our most critical dry fire practice and kind of went over the mantis system. Snapcaps is there anything else Brett that you can think of? What I like to do in at home is if you have mantis, no mantis whatever just using your your firearm your handgun, get as close as possible to the mirror wall and try to practice your dry fire in the any close proximity because Kevin alluded earlier that you know, it’s always within seven yards or closer. And the most stressful situation is when attackers coming after you with a knife, gun whatever it may be, and you’re within a foot of them. Yeah and you’re trying to stumble. You’re trying you know there’s a lot of scenarios where you really need to unholster your firearm and use that firearm before pointing at them. So and aiming. There is no aiming in that scenario. What I can one hundred percent tell you and I am not a trainer the way I was trained and again his SWAT team officer, and he preface this by saying you’re seven yards or twenty one, somebody with a knife can get to you faster and you can shoot them typically at that twenty one feet. That’s why it’s the distance where it’s okay to shoot somebody with a knife. Again not legal advice follow-up do your own research.


But per my training, he said if somebody’s running at you, your weak hand you get your elbow and arm up in front of them and you don’t even draw and extend you rotate from the hip and you’re shooting underneath your arm because your hitting body masses are coming towards you. Well when somebody’s close you don’t wanna extend anyways because you don’t want them having your gun. Well and that’s part of putting the arm up in it. There’s not a lot of arteries on the outside. So if you’re gonna take a nice strike the bone on the outside of your forearms a good place to take one versus your core. And If you’re so close to a somebody if you push your gun against their body, you can push that slide out of battery and it won’t fire. So that’s one thing that you don’t even train for most of the time. So that’s why if you put that arm up it keeps your your gun behind that at least you know the thickness of your arm. So you’re not pushing against their body in that scenario if you ever have to get in there. That’s probably what I would critically practice if I was dry firing is in a really close range.Yeah. My thought would be on that. We talked about a lot of it but if you wanna talk about the most critical part of it would be drawing from your holster. Whether it’s like what Brett’s saying super close or not, but drawing from your holster because if you go from a ready position to shooting is not a reality in concealed carry. Ninety nine percent of the time it’s gonna be whole unholstery and fairly quick deal. So make that the base of your training you have a holster and you know your gun’s gonna be in the holster, whether it’s quickly or not your gun has to come out of that holster to use it. Whether it’s within a split second or ten seconds, practice the unholstery part of it.


Mine is not even that far just pistol shooting well shooting fundamentals in general. Everybody that’s ever taught how to shoot a pistol, they naturally wanna when they engage the trigger they wanna put it in the bend and you need to be pulling with the pad of your finger because when in long range shooters we’ll tell you the same thing. When you get it here, you’re torquing the gun. It’s not a straight back pull. It’s more of a torque. So you wanna make sure the pad of the finger is actually engaging the trigger not the bend. And that’s a good point not to this question but I will bring it up real quick because we talked about guns. Each gun has a different length to that trigger. Depending on your hand size, that goes what you just said goes into picking the pistol as well. If only the tip of your finger can reach that to pull the trigger, that’s not the gun for you or vice versa if you have super big hands in your finger has to be wrapped half around it to shoot it, it’s probably not the gun for you either. So that’s a very good point in picking a pistol too that we really didn’t talk about. Excellent.


We’re just gonna touch on it real quick We’re not gonna go down a political rabbit hole but we just wanna express our condolences to all the victims of parade shooting that happened right after we recorded our previous episode and you know we’re not gonna get into the political debate on it but thank god for the law enforcement and you know even those civilians that tackled the shooter running away. I mean those guys are heroes and hell play reached out I think we should give those guys a whole story. I don’t know if they’re gun owners or not but Yeah a hundred percent and those are local guys local to us. It’d be cool to talk to them and like I said it’s all part of training as real world scenarios on what happened. It’d be cool to pick their brain on how it really came up apart you know so to speak and what really happened because in that big event, at no matter if it’s there a stadium or wherever in that big of an event that’s a really hard situation to defend from a concealed carry aspect. Oh it’d be scary because if you think about it from the cops are rushing over to this situation, that obviously never should have happened but you as a concealed carry person if you draw your pistol and you’re how do they know that you’re not part of the problem in that situation. Yeah Right I won’t get into more than that but it’s something to think about and it puts you in a weird situation other than just a two or three people around situation.


And kind of coming back to being prepared and I don’t like big crowds anyway so like if I go to a game I might have a beer or two, I’m not carrying but when you’re going to these big things don’t get as drunk as you can. You don’t have to drink all the beers you know try and keep your head on your you know shoulders. Think about the way out like if you’re in a store and somebody comes in the front door shooting well guess what, there’s loading docks or side x stall these buildings you know just try and be tactically mindset and I can’t imagine being down there with your kids trying to get your kids out trying to avoid being trainable. And the kids is what makes it the hardest there because no matter what and how mad you wanna protect it you gotta protect your kids and there’s kids everywhere. You know it’s just it’s a big scenario. My wife and kids were down there and my wife’s calling me. During this situation and she’s made it to the parking garage and her phone doesn’t work. So she’s trying to explain to me that there’s a shooting going on and her phone shuts off at the same time. So my mind goes different places I don’t know what’s going on ahead because I was at work. I didn’t know anything going on I was at the gun shop and I turn on the TV and they’re talking about it everywhere. I finally get her back on the phone and luckily she’s already made it to her car and they’re trying to leave but it’s a very scary and real situation that I wish would have never happened, but me and her have had a lot of conversations about it. Yeah So maybe we can get in some more of that on later episode you know being prepared and again we’re not trainers I’d love to get some people on here you know I’ve got some ideas and thoughts on it but you know that’s for another episode because we’ll go down the rabbit hole on that one.


Now what I would like to tell everybody is we got the promo code hood for the website 15 percent off. If you use MRT podcast, so Muddy River Tactical MRT podcast will get you 15 percent off anything on the website. So it could be holsters, clips, we got shirts hats, belts, all sorts of stuff. So anything you might find on there check it out. There’s all sorts of videos you can get on there and I won’t speak specifically to where we’re not you may be able to see videos and we have a tab on our website now that has a video tab and you can go to our different stuff but we’ve got links for all the major stuff where you might wanna check us out. Yeah You can find us in all sorts of places but we’re doing videos on not only new guns but the podcast but also situations like this and just self defense in general. So I do want to say that the MRT podcast for 15 percent off for the holsters can be used in the gun shop for holsters. They just have to bring it to me when they check out and just let me know that you’ve you wanna use the discount code for holsters only. It obviously won’t work for guns. It won’t work for guns or anything else like that just for the holster side of it but I’ll get you taken care of. And do you still free autographs? Oh absolutely. Absolutely well they’re start, we’re starting to charge for them eventually but right now they’re still free.


Okay It’s a crazy transition though because at the end of the day I I’m just still an idiot. You know what I mean. But I walked in the gun shop what was it last week? Don’t know It may have been the day after we recorded the last podcast and this guy’s in there. Brett’s helped him choosing a gun and he’s like yes I saw the guy that owns this building on there and I’m just not I’m just not even paying attention I’m doing my stuff I stand up. He goes oh, that’s you. Not like a complete shock. And it’s just, it’s not funny but in some ways it is because it’s humbling is what it is. It really is humbling that how many people watch that stuff. And that’s a great thing but the guy was like almost in shell shock that I was there. Like, well I’m in shell shock when you’re there too so I was just saying when you show up three days a month that’s like hitting the lottery. That’s that’s on this side. I show up in the holster side but not in the gun shop side very much.


Alright guys well it’s been another great episode everybody reach out to us we need some more viewer questions. I wanna give away some hats. We got some cool new podcast shirts coming along I wanna give some of these things away. So hit us up emails, call us you know get us on the website. Ask these questions. We’d love to answer you if you are some sort of tactical trainer, got some advice for us something we didn’t touch on. You know you’re an expert in the field give us a call. We’ll talk to you, we’d love to get as many people on here that know more than us as we can. Yeah and as we go we’re gonna have more guests in different places. And like I said, we’d love to have some trainers but there’s not a one trainer that’s an end all be all. You know they all have different opinions and do things different ways. So it’s great. Just talk to multiple people so definitely reach out to us. Excellent.


Well enjoy our intro and outro music by Quentin Cox and Co local band check them out if you can. And as always Kevin do you wanna tell him your famous last line before we go? Keep practicing and always be prepared. Oh boy. Alright. We will see you guys next week. See you everybody.